Sunday, June 29, 2008

spain vs germany!~

hallluuuuu there..

haha..its a kinda odd for a person like "ME' who knows nothing bout futball to wake up n watch futball match late at night..or nearly dawn i must say...but last night..i watched the final match between spain n was so cool to see spain won the championship...haha...poor germany..!~...actually i am not a big fan of any team..but spain isnt that bad though..i sokong yg menang jerr..kakakakakak...:P...the spain goalkeeper..Iker Casillas Fernández seemed to catch my attention last nite..haha..with gud-looking figure he was a magnificent he's the captain of spanish national's so COOOLL!~...wawawawwaa...


looks like josh harnett a bit here...

he looks great in red i guess..heee..

7 curse(s):

Zada said...

hey i've just started blogging too..its kinda fun actually...

blind-v said...

haha...hye apeng..yup2..its sorta fun..thnx for dropping by...i'll check ur blog later..may b i can put u in my blog list..haha

Anonymous said...

hahaha..antara blogger mude tanah think over.ade ke sokong spain...rasenye sbb sapin mng n the players mmg other reason die sokong spain ..haha..owh..btw..babe..klu german mng camne??? :P

blind-v said...

hahahahhaha..encik mau..u mcm tau2 jer sbb me sokong spain..haha..mmg pon dorg mng n players dia mcm hensemm...kakaka..kalau gmany mng tak tau la..sokong jer siyes dorg punya player cam tak memikat hati..kuang3...

Nigel J. W. Ong said...

are u watching the subject of football, or the object that is playing it?

niway, nice layout. is it a custom layout?

Azahar said...

feel free to visit my blog..

blind-v said...

hahaha..nigel thnx for dropping by..yeahh obviously i was looking at the object that was playing it..kuang3...i took the layout from an unknown source..haha..