Tuesday, August 19, 2008

saya bukan bongek yang desperado....

wuarghhh..out of boredom...i suddenly come up with this idea..am going to brainstorm 10 reasons why i dont hv or need a steady boyfriend...(at least for now).....kuang3....i know most people hv their so-called beloved ones (their bfs)....but not me...i dont mind having no bf coz i hv my own reasons for that...

here are the reasons:

1) obviously am not ready to get my heart broken again

this one is extremely true...huhuhu..my past still haunts me n it sickens me as well..am just not ready for that kind of thingy coz my heart is still bleeding...huhuhuhuhu

2) i dont even hv time for myself..let alone for other people

my life is frantically hectic with loads of assgments,tests, n other stuff...i barely hv time for my own self at times..walaupun dlm sehari ada 24 hours...that's still not enough for me...klau ada bf nak kena sms dia lg..jaga hati dia lagi...kuar ngn dia lagi....wowowowow....cukup memeningkan...life will be easier if i'm single...huhuaahauha...i just hv to think bout myself~(this sounds selfish right?yeah i am...kakakakaka...:P)

3) my parents always advise me to put my studies as my priority

huhuhu..ini mmg la agak skema...but still it means a lot...mak bapak always seek for the best for the sake of their children's success n happiness...klau setakat happiness yg x psti tu mcm ngekla jugak kan...i know suma org rsa bahagia bila da bf n gf di sisi...but remember...we will nvr know what will happen to us in the future...walaupun some people think that they're happy with their current relationship selagi blom kwen tak semestinya itu akan jd milik kita right???even dah kawen pon tak smstinya kekal jd milik kita gak...huhuhuhu...so just believe in what ur parents are saying...they know what is the best for us...

4) i kinda hv loads of male frens n if ada bf nti dia cemburu tak tntu pasal...

wawawawa...it is utterly indisputable that i hv loads of male frens...n some of them are very close to me...sometimes people tend to get us wrong esp when we hang out together...some say that they're my bfs...actually they aren't...woahhh...bengong~i dont mind hanging out with my close male frens n kwn laki yg bole dipercayai...huhuhuhu...if ada bf nti dia akn marah2 tak tntu psl...if dia ckp takkan jeles...tryla once...kuang3...jgn nak tipu laaa...nti tk psl2 asyik kena kol etc....wowoowowow....pastu marah2 lg summore...x best bha like dat....

5) am still young and need a freedom

bukan nak ckp da bf takda freedom...certain people kdg gitu n kdg x...huhu..it depends...but if u hv a bf or gf...msti gak da certain limit yg takble langgar just in case to tknak kecik kan hati org2 berkenaan..huhuhuhu...being single is much easier...u can go out with anyone u like without having to ask for a sort of permission from ur so-called bf/gf....curfew pun takda for some people..wohooo....cuma sndiri mo ingatla...ahaks!~

6) am not desperado....

no offence yupp...some people think that hving a bf is a kind of pride for them..it's even worse when they hv this sort of mentality; "asal ada jak bha"( bak kata org sbh)..kuikuikui...at times dorg x fikir pon the pros n cons...as long as ada ....they will b on par with other people ..sumtimes their desire to hv a bf/gf is seriously uncontrollable n that might also lead them to a reckless relationship...huhuhuhu...as for me..tak semestinya org lain ada i must hv one too...huhuhu..am not desperate...thats for sure...

7) am not good enough for most guys

seriously am a type of girl yg agak ngokngek...i dont think any guy cn stand me n i dont think they'll love the way i am...most guys suka ppuan yg bjiwa kewanitaan gitu n ayu2 lagi summore..huhuhuh..as for me...my jiwa is kind of mberontak...my preference seems to reflect me a lot...n am just not good enough for everyone...n i think i need some times to improve myself...n hope that i'll become a better person in the future...insyaAllah...

8) i want to spend my money for my own needs..bukan utk bf...(this might sound ridiculous but it's true...)

for ur info, i still hv a lot of things to buy...perfume,baju,kasut etc...huahauahuaha...biasala ppuan kn...when people read this i can guess the first word tht will spring into their minds..."selfish"...kakakaka...heyya peeps...some people snggup berabis tau utk bf n gf dorg..walaupun dorg jd papa kedana...huhuhu...i really wish that will not happen to me though coz i syg my money more than other unnecessry things...bukan la ckp bf or gf tu is not significant..tp kalau dah in a relationship..tendency utk spend duit for dating, gifts n etc tu mmg la sgt2 besar...wohooo...am happy that i just hv to spend my allowance or money for my own needs...am just a student..n not yet working so phm2 la k...huhuhuhu...

9) there is no guy that manages to catch my attention at the moment..let alone my heart...kakakaka

some say that am choosy when it comes to this sort of thingy...to me..tak slh la kita memilih kan...coz suma org pun nak yg tbaek...if main redah jer sukati that is not proper for me...n one more thing... falling in love bukan sng mcm mkn kacang pistachios...coz we can't force ourselves to love other people...just let the feeling come naturally n sooner or later u'll know jugak how it feels...its a matter of time my dear~

10) am gay!~

kuang3....hahahahaha...when people read my 10th reason they might b startled i guess...hhaha..dont get me wrong...hey am straight ok...am not a homo...am gay means am hepi to b what i am now...am happy being a singleton n thats not a big deal for me though....i'd been thru a lot for the past 3 years n i think my previous relationship taught me a lot bout life, trust, loyalty,honesty,lies n even betrayal...what goes around must come around right...so i just hv to move on with life n now am hepiiiiiiiiiii~

huhuhuhuh...before i stop i want to apologize if my words here seem to offend anyone's feelings...i nvr mean to do so actually... whatever i've said here is purely sincere...hope everyone will understnd that....tq...

lots of luvs


12 curse(s):

Anonymous said...

10) am gay!~
hahaha...apo la.


Anonymous said...

haha the 8th reason..xnk blanje bf ke x cukup duet pon utk diri sendiri~ hahaha
u rite..let lone urself discover the love when its ready~

blind-v said...

huahauah..thnx for dropping by...m not gay is a vague statement if i dont explain it further...huhuhu..people might get me wrong in that sense...thnx abuapi for promoting my blog~....n maumau ngek...mmg pon duit utk diri sndri pon tak cukup...ni kn nak blanja bf...wowowowow..so not cool...hahaha...

Anonymous said...

your reason x mok bf mmg betol.i have to say....my reason sama juak. kuang2.
i love girl, ofcouse...but it need time to develope.

ok then.

amadmarcello™ said...

Hello. bagus lah.. perpun good luck..

Anonymous said...

i do not accept all ur reason...i totally will kick them all... hahaha


Anonymous said...

By the 10th justifications, you're now being nominated as THE MOST ELIGIBLE BACHELORETTE OF THE YEAR!

Am hereby completely, totally, extremely AGREE, SUPPORT, ACCEPT all of your points!!

Only, if one day you want to find a a steady boyfriend (i.e. husband) pick somebody who is: 1-Good-looking (model look),
2-Rich (millionaire),
3-Smart (genius), and
4-Religious (not necessarily an ustaz, just somebody who practices Islam).

Pa, ko kena sedar yang ko tu cun n smart. Aku bangge ko tak sesuka hati bagi cintako pd sape2. Lgpun kalo ko dah ada bf, susahla mek mo kuar ngan kitak lg (ref. justification #4).

Btw, kalo la aku ni kawan Sheikh Mus, dah lama aku nikahkan korang dua tau! Bagai pinang di belah dua gitu.

Afterall, marilah sama2 kita merenungi ayat suci:
Surah an-Nur; ayat 26, Allah s.w.t. berfirman yang bermaksud, "Wanita baik untuk lelaki baik dan lelaki baik untuk wanita baik." So, a perfect lady cam ko ni xperlula risau2 sgt psal bab jodoh ni. Lgpun kita kn masih muda n remaja.. time nie la nk melepaks, cari networking luas2 n knal hati budi ramai org.

Ps. It's good that you've clarified your stand on this particular topic (love life), so xdela yg gatal2 nak kaco ko lg.

Mr Am said...

nice word..

Soul Generic said...

gudluck.. hidup jak seadanya bah..


Anonymous said...

awak ni memang best la buat blog... brapa tahun dah dalam bidang memblogging ni...hahahah...
sikda baahhh... rilek lah.. sampe 10 reason skali nya mok merik apahal sikmok begerek... lonely ka apa sebenarnya tok? nyeh nyeh nyeh... takpe2.. mek ada.. untuk ngaco ktk!! hahaha.. mun tpn bedering time sik tentu ya, tauk2 jaklah ktk nak...hahahah
Peace makcik! Luv ur blog!(orgnya tak tau la..hahah)

Elvie Dechantal said...

no 10 tu farah. gay la pulak. heheh. i enjoyed reading this entry anyway ;-)

anonymous said...

Trust me, you're just blabbing. you're still waiting, wishing and hoping.